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To Hustle, Or Not To Hustle

In a "no days off" culture, how do we find balance in our fitness grind?

I think a lot of us fall in to one of two categories: there's those who's ambition far outweighs their time and capacity, and then the crowd that has no ambition or obligation. Then there's the rest of us: the half-and-halfers that have drive but also love naps. No matter where you fall on the hustle scale, theres's one thing we all have in common: guilt

That awful nagging feeling of "I'm not doing enough." I think as a certified trainer a lot of people assume that I am one of those trainers that works out twice every day and eats only clean foods on a fasted schedule. I'd like to think I've found my balance, and it works well for me, and doesn't require me to give up on the things I love. I had to think a lot about the types of sacrifices I'd be willing to make for the goals I aspire to. I've been on both sides of this scale, and here's what I've learned:

There's space for both.

There was a time in my life (before having kids or a husband) where I was in the gym daily for hours on end, and only eating my super healthy meal preps. I got shredded and was so strong, but there was a downside. No matter how good I looked, how strong I got, I was not happy. I was feeling guilty if I strayed even a tiny bit from my meal plan, I was so hard on myself if I took a rest day, or modified movements due to injury or soreness. On the outside I looked lean and strong, but on the inside I was practically torturing myself, and for what? I only worked that hard to "look good" and I eventually decided that it wasn't a good enough reason to be pushing myself into exhaustion.

Fast forward to my first pregnancy: I was hardly able to work out because I had severe back and hip pain that kept me from moving much. After having my daughter I suffered from diastasis recti and I was struggling to adjust to motherhood. It took me a long time to heal enough to feel "safe" to start working out again. (This journey is also what brought me to becoming a certified trainer, but thats a story for another day!) I went from dancing professionally and going to the gym constantly to basically sedentary and dealing with the mental toll of adjusting to a newly postpartum body. I felt all sorts of guilt because not only did I feel fat and flabby and ugly and couldn't bring myself to workout (due to my DR and pure exhaustion) but I also felt so guilty for leaving my daughter to have time for myself. So I just didn't really work out. I hated the way I felt, and I decided to buck up and heal my diastasis recti and get back to some semblance of myself again.

5 years after that, january of 2022, I am happy to say I found my middle ground. I could go on in depth about my story, but I'll spare the details and give you the good stuff. My hustle-to-restmode ratio is perfectly in balance. Here's what I've learned:

  • You have to start with your goals (be specific!) Then decide whether or not you will realistically take the necessary steps to get there. If not, adjust the goal

  • If your goals are bigger than your circumstance allows, then you'll need to commit to making a few sacrifices. Be prepared.

  • Once you've decided your trajectory, commit to the plan and stick to it. Learn to create boundaries with yourself and with others for the sake of the goal. For example: a mother scheduling time for herself to work out. Sacrifice being either money for a sitter, or choosing to exercise knowing there may be interruptions from kiddos. She may have to sacrifice a few extra minutes in the morning before the kids wake so she can have solitude.

  • Choose your "non-negotiables" that you allow yourself to keep when eliminating undesirable habits. Whether its daily naps or a morning mocha or eating after 8pm, you choose what you can't live without and allow yourself some wiggle room

  • Your best effort may look like somebody else's worst. And your worst effort may be another's best. Everyone's journey and "hustle threshold" is different.

  • Remind yourself that you will have to adjust your grind. Some seasons you'll feel really on-point and others you may not have the energy or resources to get it done

  • KEEP. PROMISES. TO. YOURSELF. You'll mess up. You'll fall up, but promise you will keep trying. Whether it takes a month or ten years, you will get there if you keep working at it

You got this. Finding balance takes time!


P.S: Download your free copy of my Nutrition Guide when you join the Chloe Puff Training mail list!

BONUS: For goal setting tips listen to this episode of my podcast Muscles Motherhood & Motivation below! or go directly to

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