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Portion Control Made Easy... Finally!

There are so many clashing facts about food out there, but one thing that is not up for debate is portions. The fact of the matter is, if you eat too many calories, your body stores it and it turns into excess weight over time. Portion control can be easy, and you don't need a kitchen scale, measuring cups, or teeny tiny tupperware. All you need is... your hand.

This guideline is to help you learn what the correct portions are for your body. you may be surprised to find you're eating way more than you actually need. Aim for 3 well-rounded and properly portioned meals and 1-2 snacks per day. Spreading out your food in smaller amounts will also help you avoid bloating by allowing yourself time to digest in-between instead of overloading your gut all at once.

  • Proteins: Avoid high-fat meats such as ham or bacon, sausage, etc. Opt for lean meats, white meat poultry, and fish, as well as plant based proteins such as tofu. One serving should be able to fit in your palm. (Basically, that 12oz rib eye is a bit too much, sorry to say!)

  • Carbohydrates: Avoid commercial baked goods (things with dyes and lots of preservatives, bye bye funfetti cupcakes), and carbs high on the glycemic index (white rice, potato, white bread, etc). Instead, eat a variety of naturally occurring carb-containing foods. Try lentils, legumes, chickpea pasta, basmati rice and pita breads. Swap to oats, barley or bran for your cereals. Use grainy breads with plenty of sprouted seeds. Carbs should be about the size of the front of your knuckles with a closed fist.

  • Fats: Avoid anything deep fried, and food made with hydrogenated oil such as margarine, and other trans fats. Instead, try aiming for healthy fats such as olive oil, avocado, organic cheeses, and nut butters.

For those with diastasis recti, I also recommend cutting out, or slowly cutting out inflammatory foods and other foods that can cause bloating. This list includes dairy (cheese, milk, ice cream) , soda or other sugary drinks, and food high in sodium. To further reduce bloating if your gas becomes painful, I also recommend eating a low FODMAP diet until you find out what foods are causing you the most issue. Sometimes making simple swaps like cooking broccoli instead of eating it raw can also help. Make sure you're eating plenty of healthy fiber in your diet to keep you regular!

Lastly, none of these portions even matter if you're not hydrating properly! Don't forget to drink at least half your bodyweight in ounces daily to ensure proper cellular function of your major organs, tissues, etc. Your body is made up of 45%-75% water, so drink up!

If you are what you eat, then make sure you're getting whole healthy foods, and the right amounts too.


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